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Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Practicing GRATITUDE

The Gratitude Process
The secret to true happiness is living in connection with that highest part of yourself, that part of you that knows who you really are – a powerfully creative, spiritual being having a human experience. The fastest, easiest way to achieve and maintain that connection is through gratitude. Gratitude opens our hearts and puts us into direct connection with the highest parts of ourselves and opens the pathway to the energetic of joy and abundance.  It is very simple - the process takes 5 minutes each day and you do it for 21 days, but the impact can be enormous.

Each morning when you first wake up, lie in bed and think of three things that you are grateful for in your life.

As you think about each of the three things, see your heart opening up and feel, truly feel, the gratitude. Feel the gratitude pouring out of your heart. Feel the gratitude starting to expand into your entire body.

If you are having trouble in a certain relationship (spouse or partner driving you crazy, co-worker causing you problems, child, parent, sibling, etc. not seeing eye to eye with you) focus on this person and think about 3 things that you are grateful for about them or 3 things you appreciate about them (yes, even they have some positive attributes, even if you have to start with something like they have pretty eyes). You will be amazed at how the relationship will start to shift as you do this process.

If there is something you are wanting to bring into your life, like a new job, or a new relationship, feel appreciation to the Universe for knowing that it is on its way.

You only need to do this for 5 minutes when you wake up in the morning. The key is to actually feel the appreciation, feel the gratitude and feel your heart and then your whole body fill up with it.

You can add some extra oomph to this process during the day when you are doing something simple like driving or standing in line somewhere and bring the gratitude and appreciation in again. Open your heart and bask in this glorious feeling.

Do this process for 21 days. It takes 21 days to anchor a new habit. You will find that in 21 days, gratitude has become a way of being for you. You will be astounded at the things that have happened, how things on the “outside” have been transformed by what you have done on the inside.

And of course, continuing to do this process each day will add so much to your life.

So commit to doing this simple but powerful process and I’d love to hear from you at the end of it. Let me know what happened and what you experienced.
