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Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Pretalk on First Hypnotherapy Session...the Real Deal

I just had a new client starting their journey yesterday.  And it made me think more closely about what I say to them about the journey they are embarking on and how it applies to all of us.  It also reminds me that I have to be even more authentic in my own process, and not just practice what I preach :) 

This is a summation of my talk:

"I'm asking you to take a leap of faith.  It's time to leave what you THINK you know about yourself and THINK is the cause of what's working against you behind my office door.  In so doing, you can be truly open and vulnerable to your truth.

It may seem scary to you at the moment, but I can tell you from experience that it is only by this total surrender that you can hear your own authentic voice and heal the broken pieces of your heart.  It is only by meeting 'yourself' that you can begin the process on uniting all that you are with all you can be. 

Take a chance and let yourself break open so that you can rise from the ashes of the old, as did the mystical Phoenix of lore, as a fusion of what you were, what you REALLY are and what you are yet to become"

I also recommend a wonderful book I just finished reading that talks about this process in a easy reading style.  "Broken Open" by Elizabeth Lesser

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